Following the Master to get a "Masters"

After three rewarding years of pastoring in New Albany, Indiana, God made it clear that He wanted us to move to California. And you know, there was no way we would ever live in California unless God said so. 😉How do we know God was leading?

Providence after providence began to line up. First, in the Spring, our family had already decided to move back into the HopeMobile (our traveling ministry RV) to embrace simpler and less expensive living. In May, Jenni declined several church positions during Nominating Committee in an effort to focus more on the family and homeschooling. Then, in June, as we were setting up for Camp Meeting in Indiana, my conference president and I were chatting about church planting, and he asked me if I had heard about the new master’s program at Weimar University and encouraged me to consider it. I didn’t think it was possible. Without a bachelor’s I wouldn’t qualify for a graduate program. But he encouraged me to talk to a fellow minister who was on the tail end of the program. I did, and while we were bowed in prayer, seeking God’s will for our lives, I didn’t realize it but, I received a text. When I got to my car, I read it.

It was a text from Dr. Neil Nedley, the president of Weimar University. In it, he shared that Weimar has a great new master’s program. He told me that he knew that I didn’t have a bachelor’s degree but said that there was a possibility that if I submitted my many accomplishments, Weimar could possibly grant an honorary bachelor’s, thus qualifying me for the master’s program. What! Be mindful that we had never discussed this program before. I had never even heard of it until Pastor Vic, my president, just spoke of it.

If this was God leading, there would have to be a lot of miracles to make it happen. I did my part by applying and submitting an extensive portfolio. So here we are, just finishing my first semester. It all happened so fast! There are too many miracles to tell you in this bumper-sticker version, so if you want to read about them, please check out my new website, (and lots more pictures too). The program I’m in is called the “Masters in Biblical Mission and Wellness.” It is essentially the only Medical Missionary master’s program in existence. It was developed by Dr. Paul Ratsara and Elder Jay Gallimore, former president of the Michigan Conference. After selling many things and receiving some generous donations from our home church and loving friends and family, we have paid about one-third of our overall tuition costs and have kept food on the table. We are excited to see the other miracles that God will do. What an adventure! More about “college life” below.

On the Home Front


Age: 9
I like being at Weimar because we live next to friends and can play after homeschool almost every day! My favorite subject is Math. I like that at my Sabbath School class I get the opportunity to teach the Nature Nugget. I hope to help teach the Bible story for Simplicity’s Sabbath School class soon!


Age: 7
I like riding my bike around campus and getting stuff from the free pile to build forts with. I turned 7 while here in California. I enjoy cooking with my mom in the kitchen and playing Legos.


Age: 4
I turned 4 while here! I am learning my letters and sounds. When we first got here, we helped pick cherry tomatoes at the Weimar Campus Farm. I like picking the tomatoes and eating them! I am getting really good at my balance bike! I also am a “Big Girl”- I stopped wearing diapers! (though I still sometimes have some accidents at night).

Zealous Turned 7

Simplicity Turned 4

From Jenni's Paintbrush

Jenni has enjoyed taking some time to do her favorite activity, Water Color Painting.

5k Weimar Scholarship Tahoe Run

The Allen family participated in our first ever 5k run all together! Even little Simplicity did the whole thing without being carried (though the last half was a bit “challenging” to say the least – AKA Whinny). But she did it!

Wyatt ran with Purity and Zealous, who pushed him to his max. Simplicity walked and jogged with Jenni. It was also our first time at Lake Tahoe.

The run was a Weimar University Scholarship Run. We had a full fun day! For anyone wanting to support Wyatt’s tuition, please see his website.


Jenni has taken her love for creativity and turned it into an opportunity for connection (and a little income). Her first Fall Season brought kids from all over! Weimar Campus Church has decided to sponsor the program for the Winter Season and give her a pay check! Yay, getting paid for having fun with kids! We are praying the class blesses the community and the campus families so she can continue doing these fun classes each week.

Our Weimar Experience - College Life So-far

I used to joke that the only degree I had was a first-degree felony. Yeah, not so funny. But I know that God can use anyone with a willing heart, despite their official education. Just look at the Apostles Jesus chose. Paul was an exception. I can only wonder what God will use this “degree” for when I am done. I know I would not have chosen this path. However, we are at His service and go where He bids.

Let me tell you that the program here has been intense and amazing at the same time. This has been very challenging for me, and I’m finding myself writing, reading, studying, and writing. Did I mention all the writing? I’ve had the privilege of studying health principles with Dr. Nedley, learning the nitty gritty of heart disease, cancer, and other lifestyle diseases and how to prevent them. We’ve done a deep dive into church history, which was fantastic! We’ve studied Romans and Galatians verse by verse. We just finished up a class called, “A Life of Power by Prayer and Faith in Ministry”. Incredible! And so much more. We will be studying Lifestyle Medicine, Biblical Hermeneutics with Clinton Whalen, Biblical Preaching and Teaching with Louis Torres, and there’s not even room to mention all the other amazing teachers and courses. Then comes a year’s practicum somewhere. We are waiting for God’s leading in this.

God sent us here. I believe that. We miss our home church family and our friends deeply. God has seen fit to keep us moving and not growing roots deep anywhere. While that comes with challenges, it has its blessings. We are making some friends here, though we know we will be saying goodbye in July next year. Indeed, our time here is limited. Not just at Weimar but also here in this world. So much work to be done before He comes back. I think God is reconverting me. I find myself calling out to Him more, recognizing my utter helplessness, and appreciating His sacrifice so much more deeply. Perhaps the biggest reason we are here is to save our family. Being a parent is the hardest thing I’ve never planned for. Lol. But God is teaching Jenni and me in this area too. Where is the master’s program in “Godly parenting”? I guess that one is 18 or so years long. I humbly ask that you keep the Allen family in your prayers. I also want to thank you for being part of our family’s miracle journey, however big or small that may have been. May all glory be to God!

To find out the full story of what brought us here. Please click this button:

Other News

Volunteering: Weekly Food Distribution

When Wyatt is at school, Jenni and the kids have been helping a local SDA church with their weekly food box distribution. Our family has also been blessed to take home a box of food each week to help with our own needs. (California living is no joke on the food and gas prices).

Nedley Depression & Anxiety Recovery Program | Baptisms

Wyatt had the opportunity to help again as a spiritual counselor with the Nedley Depression and Anxiety Recovery Program (DARP) and was blessed to see two people give their lives to the Lord in baptism.

Thank you for your love and support!

This journey to Weimar has been full of adventures but also full of challenges. Many, many blessings to those who have supported us in our move and our school and living expenses! We know God led us to Weimar University. I have 2 Semesters and a year-long practicum before the end/new beginning. For those asking how to add financial help to their prayers, we would not turn any gift away (which would rob you of your blessing, right?). One can give it online or by mailing a gift. A tax-deductible option is available as well.  We are trusting the Lord. If it’s God’s will, it’s God’s bill.

With Much Love & Aloha, The Allen’s​