Travels to Our New Mission Feild

Wyatt finished the academic part of his masters program at Weimar in July and we packed up the Motorhome to head to: Arkansas.

We decided to take our time and make a family vacation trip out of the cross-country adventure.

A church in Albuquerque was kind enough to let stay there for free. We got to see several hot air balloons rise to the sky.


Trail of 100 Giants

Our first stop was Sequoia National Forest. We visited the Trail of 100 Giants. A beautiful grove of lots of red wood trees.

Then we headed to a nature water slide in the park. A short hike brought us to a cool slide carved out by water that was a slide into a deep pool of water. The water was cold but it was so much fun!


The view from the top of Sandia Mountains overlooking Albuquerque New Mexico.

Stopping for just a night in Albuquerque, NMWe headed up the Sandia Tramway to the top of a 10,000 ft mountain.

A special treat was seeing a paraglider prepare his kite and jump off the side of the mountain! It made our hearts skip a beat and was so neat to see up close the bravery or insanity…depending on how you look at it!


The Allen Family pose for a picture by the Grand Canyon Sign

Next stop was the Grand Canyon where we ate breakfast overlooking the amazing veiws then took the buses to several look outs.

Visiting Family and friends on the way to AR...

We then visited family in Jefferson City, MO and headed to West Salem Camp Meeting in Ohio. We enjoyed fellowship and some great speakers. What a fun family trip! So many memories and fun. We were ready for our next mission--

Enjoyed the pool with some cousins.

West Salem Mission Camp Meeting is one of our favorites. It is a ministry that especially reaches out to the Amish. Check out their website for the dates of the next one:

Our New Mission Change of Plans

Our original plan was to help a small church plant in Jasper, Arkansas for Wyatt’s Practicum, but God made it clear we would head back to Georgetown, Indiana and to our home church in New Albany.

The new pastor is the creator of the FAST Mission program, which is one of the main programs that Wyatt was taught for discipleship and church growth. Training under and working with Pastor Dan Vis will be a real blessing!

We have already been able to plug into a CARE group. Wyatt is looking forward to helping with the growth and revival of our home church.

First Stop: Clinton, Arkansas

  • Bible Prophecy Seminar


Second Stop: Jasper, Arkansas

  • Helped with church outreach and gave messages to inspire growth.


Third Stop: New Albany, Indiana

  • Practicum

Looking Back and Looking Foward

As we look back at the year 2024, it has been a big year of growth and changes. We started the year still at Weimar continuing our training and ended back in Indiana ready to put to practice that training.

Change can sometimes be challenging, but when we know God is leading it makes it much easier! Have you had some changes this year? We know this world is rapidly changing, and not for the best. But when we allow change in our lives, the change that God wants, then we know we are one step closer to Christ. This is what revival and discipleship is all about! Allowing God to change you into the person He wants you to be and that is what God is all about! Because one year closer to Christ’s return should mean one year closer in character growth and changing from glory to glory by His power and grace (2 Corinthians 3:18).

Thank you for being part of our journey over this last year, whether through prayer or financial support, or your friendship. You have helped us in our journey of change and we look forward to God’s continued leading in all changes that come. We hope you will also find 2025 to be one of great changes that brings you closer to Christ daily.

-Jenni Allen

From Weimar to the World: The Journey Continues

Bible School Graduates from Clinton Seminar
Virgina beaming with joy ready to be baptized

2024 was a whirlwind. The kind that sweeps you up, tosses you from one place to another, and leaves you breathless in its wake. It was a year of movement, of study, of purpose-driven exhaustion.

Now, as we look toward 2025, I want to share two BIG things: an update on my journey to and from Weimar and our unfolding plans with Amazing Facts.

Answer the Call to Higher Learning 

In 2023, the academic board at Weimar University, alongside Dr. Neil Nedley, extended an extraordinary opportunity: the equivalent of a Bachelor’s Degree in religion to allow me to enroll in the rigorous, two-year Master of Arts in Biblical Wellness and Mission program—a program designed to equip a select group of students for front-line mission work.

My instructors were some of the best in the field: Jay Gallimore, Doug Batchelor, Louis Torres, Johnny Wong, Paul Ratsara, Neil Nedley, Clinton Wahlen from the Biblical Research Institute, Phodidas Ndamyumugabe, Dojcin Zivadinovic, and so many more! The program included hands-on clinical rotations through the renowned 18-day NEWSTART lifestyle program and the 10-day Depression and Anxiety Recovery Program (DARP), blending theological training with practical health ministry.

From August 2023 to the end of July 2024, my days were filled with intensive study. Balancing my family, a demanding academic load, personal devotion, and the daily responsibilities of life wasn’t easy—but by God’s grace, I persevered. The last time I was enrolled in school was in the 9th grade—the year I went to prison).

The Practicum: Where Training Meets Ministry 

The next phase of my journey was the practicum—applying everything I had learned to make a tangible impact in a church community. Given my experience—three years pastoring and six years in full-time evangelism—this was more than an assignment; it was a calling.

Two calls came, both powerful and compelling, but ultimately, God led us to Northwest Arkansas, where a pastor with a heart for evangelism invited us to work with his four-church district. Each church was eager for revival, ready to embrace fresh strategies for outreach.

We packed up and took off—crossing the country from northern California to northern Ohio, then onward to Arkansas. Along the way, we attended the West Salem Mission camp meeting, a spiritual highlight. We finally arrived in Arkansas and dove headfirst into the work, starting at the Clinton Church. God moved. 

Three souls committed to Christ and the truth through baptism. Dozens experienced spiritual revival. People told me they had never encountered the gospel presented in such a way before. But this wasn’t about me—it was about the power of the Word of God. That is what changes hearts! Next stop: Jasper, a tiny town with a fledgling church plant that needed nurturing.

The work was promising, but then, unexpectedly, everything shifted. The pastor who had invited us was elected as the new Vice President of the Arkansas-Louisiana Conference. Our planned RV accommodations fell through. Was God redirecting our path? We clung to Proverbs 3:5-6, trusting that He was leading. And indeed, He was. A new door swung open—one we never saw coming.

A Divine Detour: Back to Indiana 

God orchestrated an unexpected partnership with Pastor Dan Vis, the man who took my place as the pastor of the New Albany Church in Indiana after I left to Weimar. At the time, I knew little about him.

But while at Weimar, I discovered that the FAST Mission study materials—his materials—formed a core part of my coursework for Small Group Dynamics, Church Revitalization, and Biblical Leadership. These three classes reshaped my entire approach to ministry.

I had once been skeptical of small groups, but now I am convinced that home-based evangelism is the single most underutilized tool in the church today. One small church plant in Melbourne, Australia, successfully launched five more church plants using small group principles. When done right, it works. (See more at (

Now, I’m working alongside Pastor Vis, teaching a small Care Group in New Albany where six seekers are actively studying the Bible, hungering for its truths. I also just started brand-new personal Bible study in the area.

While we are still scheduled to return to Arkansas this fall to lead evangelistic efforts in two churches, plans for a spring meeting in Jasper recently fell through due to logistical challenges. This means we are now open for a new evangelistic series in April. If you know of a church looking for a full-scale public evangelism meeting between April 11 and May 17, please reach out. [UPDATE: The day after we mailed out almost 200 letters, but before we sent out the email update, we had 4 churches that reached out to us, interested in us coming this spring. It looks like one of them will be having us us]. 

Amazing Facts and the Road Ahead 

I’m officially back on the road as a traveling evangelist with Amazing Facts. They flew us out to California this past December, and it was a joy to reconnect with the team. While I need to remain mindful of my MA requirements, I’m available to help churches with public evangelism, conduct weekend training sessions in the style of AFCOE to GO, learn more about home-based evangelism, and assist in planning for future reaping meetings. Please spread the word—now is the time for revival. cannot end this without expressing my deepest gratitude. The outpouring of moral and financial support we’ve received over the past 18 months has been humbling. Your generosity has kept us afloat and covered a great portion of my educational costs. At this moment, only $2,135 remains unpaid, which I plan to cover myself this April when I receive payment for my next seminar. By God’s grace, we hope to give back far more in the years to come. As we settle in Indiana for the next couple of months, I want to say thank you. We love you. And if there’s anything we can do—prayers, support, or ministry—please don’t hesitate to ask.


Praying to the Lord of the Harvest,


Wyatt Allen, Associate Speaker
Amazing Facts International

Thank you for supporting our journey! We appreciate each one of you!

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Donations to Weimar for my Tuition

Donations given directly to Weimar University for "MA-BMW (Indiana Pastor)" will go to support my tuition. (Do not put my name on it). This should be tax-deductible. Checks can be written to:

Weimar University - Admissions
BMW Program
20601 West Paoli Lane
Weimar, CA 95736

Please reach out with any questions to:

Admissions Office
(530) 422-7923

You may also be able to give online on the website. Here is a direct link to my student account showing what is owed each semester.

Online Giving

You can give personally via these methods without fees. These contributions are not tax-deductible.

Venmo: @WyattAllen
Cash App: $PastorWyattAllen
PayPal Friends: WyattAndJenni
Zelle: 573-28O-4827
Wyatt and Jenni Allen
4171 Georgetown Greenville Road
Georgetown, IN 47122

Or to directly support our Bible Bus Evangelism and prison ministry for a tax deduction:
End-Time Hope Ministries
P.O. Box 1681
Jefferson City, MO 65102

You can always call or text me with any questions:
Wyatt's Cell: 573-28O-4827