Allen Family Adventures

Current Adventure

Masters at Weimar University

In 2023 God called the Allens to Weimar University, where Wyatt is receiving top-notch training to be a more effective minister of the gospel!

"Christ, the great Medical Missionary, is our example. . . . He healed the sick and preached the gospel. In His service, healing and teaching were linked closely together. Today they are not to be separated."
Testimonies, vol. 9 pp. 170-171
E. G. White
Past Journey & Ministry

Past Adventures

The short version of our journey up to this point: 

  • Wyatt served as a Bible Worker at the Fulton and Jefferson City Missouri churches (Wyatt and Jenni got married during this time and had their first child, Purity Patience Allen)
  • We traveled to New Mexico to study at the Amazing Facts Center of Evangelism (AFCOE) during the Landmarks of Prophecy Series. 
  • We were asked to join the Amazing Facts Evangelism team of Evangelists that travel the country spreading the word of God through Bible Prophecy seminar.
  • We lived on the road for 6 years most of which was full-time living in an Motorhome, as we traveled to Bible Prophecy Seminars with Amazing Facts Ministry. (During this time we had our 2 younger children, Zealous Truth Allen and Simplicity Grace Allen)
  • In 2020, we were sustained by God’s grace through covid year.
  • At the end of 2020 we were called to Pastoral ministry.  Wyatt Served as a Pastor and Conference Evangelist for almost 3 years in Indiana.
  • A Miraculous miracle made it possible for Wyatt to go to school for a Masters in Biblical Mission and Wellness at Weimar University.
  • We left Weimar University to begin the practicum work which was a little unorthodox. We went first to Arkansas to hold an evangelistic series in October 2024. Then supported another meeting while settling in Harrison Arkansas for about 2 months.
  • God opened the doors to move back to Indiana for a few months. We left Arkansas on December 26, 2024 and remain here to help the local church to grow and be revitalized. 
Our Blog

Ministry Moments

Read some of our favorite miracle stories and funny times on the road in ministry.

Motorhome Life
Family & Fun
A young man is reading the holy scriptures pointing to a Bible topic. bible book Bible reading
Bible Seminars & Ministry