We have left Weimar University and the Adventure Continues!
I believe that God rules in the heavens. I believe He rules over this earth and cares about the affairs of mankind. I hope you do too!
I am humbled to share a story of providence and miracles, a journey that has been marked by the guiding hand of our Heavenly Father. If you have been hearing stories about a major shift in our lives, it is true! We are now on the way to Weimar University, where I am going to pursue more education and training to prepare me to be a better soul winner. This path is unmistakably laid out by God, and I know you will be encouraged, as you read our next chapter, knowing especially that God is writing yours right now, as well!
This journey began before we even knew it, back in April and May. As a conference evangelist for Indiana Conference, I periodically hold Bible prophecy seminars around the State each year. We began this past spring with one in the little town of Seymour, Indiana. We continue to travel in the HopeMobile, the miracle bus that has carried us across this country many times, spreading hope and inspiration to thousands. (You might recall our previous RV: The Bible Bus and the miracle stories related to that.) It is simple living when you pack two parents, a 9, 6, and 3-year-old into a bus. But each time we do, we feel better, not worse. There is just something about living a simple life that calls to our hearts. This past Spring, we chatted about the possibility of living full-time again. Our HopeMobile, a symbol of the hope and inspiration we carry to others for Christ, in Christ, was calling us back.
We wrapped up the seminar and moved back home. We decided to rent our house out and live on our land in the RV. With only 2 bunks in the back, our youngest, Simplicity, was using a cot on the floor. So built a 3 tier bunk for all 3 of them in the back.
At this time we were also planning a fall campaign at the Cicero church. We were going to be gone for 5 more weeks this fall. I wasn’t sure if it would be best to have that meeting and kept feeling uneasy about it. I had never walked back an evangelistic opportunity in my entire ministry. I consulted with the conference leadership. I prayed diligently about it. I spoke with the local pastor and shared with him my reservations and asked him to talk to his church’s evangelism committee. Jenni and I decided if they wanted to move forward with having me out this coming fall, I would commit to doing so. The decision was in their hands. They decided to free me up this fall. This was June 6.
This is where things get interesting. June 7, the next day, I drove to Cicero Academy to help set up for the Indiana Camp meeting that began the next week. After a full day of work, our Conference President, Pastor Vic Van Schiek pulls me aside and we chat. He asks about how the church is doing at New Albany, and we talk a little about church planting. He believes, along with our ministerial director, that church planting is vital in finishing the work in our Indiana Territory.
During the conversation, he asks me if I had heard of Weimar University’s new Master’s Program. It’s in Biblical Mission and Wellness. I hadn’t heard of it. He shared that one main component of the program is church planting and revitalization with an emphasis on our wholistic health message.
My immediate response was like that of Moses, Jeremiah, and Thomas … full of doubt. I literally said to him, after he suggested that God could work it out for me to qualify to get into the program: “I know God can do anything, but I’m not optimistic that this would be realistic for me”. He encouraged me to look into it and go over and talk with a fellow pastor, Pastor Sam, that was just finishing up the 2 and half year program.
So I did. For about 20 minutes he shared with me about the program as I asked questions. He shared his miracle story that exactly 2 years ago in June he heard about the program, and how he and his wife moved out by faith to attend that fall. They literally had no money to go and yet he is finishing completely debt free. He said the same thing that Pastor Vic said: God can do anything. We then knelt down right there Academy gymnasium floor and had a season of Prayer.
After we got up and said goodbye, I went to my car and saw that a text just came through, apparently while we were praying. It was Dr. Neil Nedley, the president of Weimar University, the same University we were just praying about. In it he shared, that Weimar has a great new master’s program. He had known that I didn’t have a bachelor’s degree but said that there was a possibility that if I submitted my accomplishments Weimar could grant an honorary bachelor’s, thus qualifying me for the Masters’s Program.
It’s important to underscore two pivotal points:
1) He literally texted me right then about the Program! While I knew Dr. Nedley from previous interactions and work, we had never spoken about it before this. I had only been aware of the program for about an hour.
2) It is true I do not have a bachelor’s degree. I do not have an associate’s degree. I don’t even have a High School Diploma. The only degree I’ve ever had was a 1st-degree assault – and that is not something I’m proud of. The last grade I completed was the 8th grade. While in prison I did get the opportunity to study and earn my GED.
My lack of formal education is not a reflection on my view of education. I believe in Education. I believe in training. I believe God’s people should be the most educated, wise, intelligent, and knowledgeable people on this planet. You don’t necessarily need a college education to grow in those areas. Some colleges and schools can have the opposite effect. We must carefully choose a Christian education that is rooted and grounded in the Bible. One that is patterned after the School of the Prophets.
And I hasten to add on a personal note, had my circumstances allowed it, I would have certainly pursued a quality formal Bible-based Chrisitan Education. However, in lieu of not having that opportunity, I took it upon myself to study for myself. While I was incarcerated, I spent my countless hours studying the Bible, researching, examining, learning, and seeking God’s face. I determined to turn the Penitentiary into a Seminary. I still love to study, though admittedly, I find so much less time than before.
After I received that text I delved deeper into the possibilities presented by this program. Dr. Nedley connected me with Dr. Paul Ratsara, the former President of the Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division, who was now the director of this master’s program. The prospect of receiving an honorary bachelor’s degree, a privilege that seemed beyond my reach, inspired me to take a step forward. This transpired during the Indiana Conference Camp meeting last month. But out of respect for these leaders and a willingness to see a miracle of God, I reached out. This was the week of the Indiana Conference Camp meeting.
I put together my portfolio, including the books I have written, and sent it off with a prayer for God’s will to be done. Weeks went by.
I committed to carrying on as normal until we heard something. The University staff were out speaking at camp-meetings all June and most of July. So no decision could be made until they had returned. As I understand it, three decisions needed to be made. The University needed to vote on a new policy to allow them to confirm honorary degrees. As an accredited University, they cannot just give out degrees. In fact, as the director was telling me about the proposed policy, I was sure there was no way I would qualify.
After they were to settle on this policy, they would then need to apply it to me to see if I am worthy of it. And then admissions would need to review my case to see if I qualify for the rigorous master’s program.
All this time I am praying and fasting. The church Elders were informed, and their prayers enlisted. My wife, Jenni, joined me in this season of supplication, echoing our shared sentiment: “God’s will be done.”
Indeed, that has been my prayer throughout my whole ministry and life. I ask God to use me where I’m most needed. He has never failed to surprise me.
Just as God has been preparing us for this move, before we even knew it was a possibility, just so, God has a beautiful plan for your life!
God is soo good. There were other parallel miracles taking place. Jenni had made the hard decision this May to not accept any church positions, other than teaching in the Cradle Roll department. She turned down several requests. It was very hard for her, please understand. She had committed to putting her energies toward the family and homeschooling the kids. Looking back, we now know that God knew she would not be here to fulfill any role she would accept. Wow!
But that’s not all! That exact morning before Pastor Vic and Dr. Nedley asked me about the Master’s Program, on my 2.5 hour drive up to Cicero I reached out to a pastor by the name of Wes McDonald. I wanted to invite him to preach at New Albany. When I talked with him and asked him if he could visit New Albany on August 5, he said that it had just miraculously opened up and he was certain God was making a way. This was to be the Sabbath before my last sermon at the church. His message expands on the ideas from the book he is known for all around the world. His book is called: “Let My Pastors Go!”
While God’s hand is leading in this move, we are realizing just how this will inpact us and the children. These 3 years are the longest we have been in one location since Jenni and married in 2013. We’ve made friends and close connections. While our hearts are sad, we know we will have an eternity for reunions. Now is the time to win the lost.
That is why I believe God has opened this door. We received the final word that all 3 decisions were approved on August 8. School starts on August 21. This means selling almost everything, moving into the HopeMobile, and driving across the country in time. But if God calls you to it, He will see you through it!
In that short time, we sold or donated most of our belongings, including my car, packed and cleaned (with the help of kind church members), and we begin our trek across the nation after this Sabbath (August 12).
Friends, God is calling for laborers. Perhaps you are being called by God to get involved in public ministry. Maybe God is calling you to be a pastor, an evangelist, or Bible Worker. Maybe God is speaking to you to begin preparing to go to the foreign mission field. Where are all the missionaries? Maybe, like me, you could use some more training on how to be a more effective worker for Jesus, and God is calling you to a School of the Prophets. God will provide the means. He will make a way.
All He needs from you and me is a willing heart.
Speaking of making a way, we are embarking on this journey by faith. This educational journey at Weimar University’s MA in Biblical Mission and Wellness program is not inexpensive. However, this program represents a remarkable opportunity to deepen my understanding of church planning, medical missionary work, and mission-driven outreach.
As of yet, I haven’t received any sponsorship for this program, though some have graciously offered to help and to pray. Since Jenni and I have no debt and some savings, we are in a better place than most as they head off to school. The tuition fees, living expenses, materials, RV parking, food, and the reality that I’ll be unemployed during this time compels me to lay my burden before you in hopes you might contribute something towards these costs.
Every contribution, no matter the size, will not only lighten the financial load but also contribute to our shared mission to share the Three Angels’ Messages to a fast-dying world. If you would be so inclined, I would be profoundly grateful. And I don’t just tack a courteous “and/or please pray” on the end. I really solicit your prayers. Prayers not just for all the funds needed, but prayers for a clear mind, a passionate missionary spirit, and undistracted learning while we are at Weimar.
The journey continues…
The following was my final farewell message to my home (New Albany) church as their pastor. It is based on Acts 20.
A personal check can be written to:
Wyatt Allen
4469 Pear Ln.
Harrison, AR 72601
Donations given directly to Weimar University for "MA-BMW (Indiana Pastor)" will go to support my tuition. (Do not put my name on it). This should be tax-deductible. Checks can be written to:
Weimar University - Admissions
BMW Program
20601 West Paoli Lane
Weimar, CA 95736
Please reach out with any questions to:
Admissions Office
(530) 422-7923
You may also be able to give online on the Weimar.edu website. Here is a direct link to my student account showing what is owed each semester.
You can give personally via these methods without fees. These contributions are not tax-deductible.
Venmo: @WyattAllen
Cash App: $PastorWyattAllen
PayPal Friends: WyattAndJenni
Zelle: 573-28O-4827
For now, we have the above ways to give. Bless you, and thank you!
Total costs for the 2-year program will be upwards of $75,000, which includes tuition plus living expenses, housing, food, books, and fees. I assure you that we are living as frugally as possible and pinching every penny. We also utilize food pantries weekly.
For anyone who gives to this missionary cause, I would be glad to send an advance copy of my new book, Speaking in Tongues: Simplified, and a copy of my wife’s cookbook, Delicious and Nutritious. Please let me know if you want a copy and give me the shipping info when you donate.
I’ll also keep a running total of donations here on this webpage, including from all sources. Thanks again!!!
I worked with a ministry that helps other ministries with a texting service. It is not one of the top businesses/ministries out there. It is called PastorsLine, and your church or ministry would love it. Click here to check it out. The founder and friend sent us a very kind donation of $500 to help with school.
As of August 4, 2024, we are still praying that God would provide the $16,835 left for tuition plus living expenses.
Summary of tuition expenses:
Fall 2023: $0 remains ($16,735 paid)!
Spring 2024: $0 remains ($16,735 paid)!
Summer 2024: ($2,100 paid) $9,363 remains
Fall 2024 (practicum): $2,130 remains
Spring 2025 (practicum): $2,130 remains
Summer 2025 (practicum): $2,130 remains
Total: $16,835 remaining