From Study to Service: My BMW Plans

My BMW Classmates and Professor Paul Ratsara - We just finished reading his miraculous testimony, "Kidnapped". Click this pic to read it yourself. Powerful!

As you may know, I’m enrolled in the M-BMW Program. It stands for the Master’s in Biblical Mission and Wellness and includes 1 solid year of an intense academic program and another year of a practicum where we apply what we’ve learned. And I have learned a lot! This week officially marks the end of my second semester as I finish up my Cross-Cultural Mission class and NEWSTART rotation. I’ve never been so busy! The past few months have been a whirlwind! Allow me to share a brief outline since our last newsletter:

  • January 11: Recorded “Why They Did That” podcast 
  • January 14: Trip to Elmshaven with Church History Cohort
  • January 15–Feb 2: Disease and Lifestyle Medicine class. It was very intense, focusing on herbs, hydrotherapy, and activating charcoal.
  • January 15–20: Week of Spiritual Emphasis: POWERFUL lessons on effective evangelism.
  • January 25–30: Jenni’s Mom, Wilma, stayed at the Weimar Inn for a short, precious visit.
  • February 14–25: Public Evangelism at Weimar University!
  • February 15–26: Depression and Anxiety Recovery Program Clinical Rotation
  • February 27 – March 15: Biblical Hermeneutics with Clinton Whalen — my hardest class yet (got a 93%)!
  • March 3: Mule Creek Prison visit with Jenni and 6 other students and facility: I preached 3 times in 3 different chapels to over 100 inmates
  • March 14–17: EQ (Emotional Intelligence) Summit; met 100-year-old Dr. John Scharffenberg who continues to travel and share messages of how to achieve peak mental and physical health (he spoke 4x that weekend!)
  • Jenni filmed and demonstrated 9 plant-based recipes from her Cookbook (Delicious & Nutritious) for the NEWSTART YouTube channel/website.
  • March 18–April 5: Biblical Preaching and Teaching intensive with Pr. Louis Torres — one of my favorite classes so far!
  • April 8–25: Cross-cultural Mission class — finishing this week!


In addition, I’ve had the privilege of holding weekly health coaching classes, a Wednesday night Bible Study for the community, and preaching in area churches on various Sabbaths. God has really blessed these meetings, and His Holy Spirit is powerfully working. Please pray for my new friends with whom I’m studying.
We’ve been praying about “where to go” for the year-long practicum since we arrived at Weimar. Towards the beginning of this year, we had several good options, some decent possibilities, but ultimately, two clear calls. We fasted and prayed and prayed and fasted. “God, where would you have us go?” We liked both options very much and found it hard to decide. But at last, through a series of providences, we sensed that God was leading us to go to …. Arkansas!

About two years ago, my friend and fellow evangelist, Daniel Fornes, held a series of meetings in a small town called Jasper. From this, and with the dedicated help of other committed believers, a small church was planted. Hearing through the grapevine about our big question of where to go, the overseeing pastor reached out to me and proposed that I volunteer for a year to help grow this new church plant. He suggested that for income during this time, we could hold, not one, not two, but four evangelistic campaigns in all four of his district churches.

By March, when we needed to make a decision, a miracle happened that made it clear that God was opening that door. So, come this September, we will, by God’s grace, be holding a full Bible prophecy seminar in the town of Clinton, AR. Then, our attention will be turned to this church plant that God would see blossom in that area! We solicit your prayers for this upcoming church plant project and the four seminars. Thank you!


Age: 10
Purity turned “Double digits” – 10-years-old on April 30. She has been really into doing gem art, latch-hook, & puzzles. She has read 10 Chapter books so far this year.


Age: 7
Zealous was hired to help me this Spring Season for my Outdoor Explorer play class. He enjoyed earning some money. He continues to have boundless energy. He is also into gem art and puzzles.


Age: 4
Simplicity is featured in our "Lessons from the Littles" article. See her featured article below.

Riding a “Big Girl” Bike

Simplictiy learning to ride!

Simplicity has been learning the balance bike (a bike with no pedals) for a while now. With having more pavement to practice on, she has really taken off these last few weeks. She has out grown her balance bike and we saw that she was comfortable with the balancing and was ready to move to a “Big Girl” real bike with pedals (no training wheels). So at the beginning of the year we got her a new “real” bike.

Hard things take time.
Like most of us, when we get something new, she was excited to try it out. I warned her that it might be harder than she thought but that with practice and patience, it would get easier and even more fun than her balance bike could ever be.

Sure enough, she was frustrated in the first few sessions and just wanted to go back to the EASIER, MORE FAMILIAR old balance bike. With tears, she cried, “I can’t do it. It’s too hard! I like my old bike better.”

We took breaks and kept going. I’d hold onto her, encouraging her from behind. Gradually, I’d loosen my grip until she barely felt my hand. She’d get nervous, checking if I was still there. After a few tries, she understood the balance and pedaling. She was ready for me to let go completely without crying. The smiles and joy she felt riding her “Big Girl” bike made all the tears and fears worth it! She was free to ride by herself! She still needs practice, but she’s getting better at riding confidently and in control.

Great Lesson for us!
This experience really struck me during one practice session when I was “guiding her” with my words from behind. I kept reminding and encouraging her, saying, “Keep going forward. The only way not to fall is to keep pushing forward. If you’re not moving forward, you will fall!”

Just as I guided Simplicity with my voice from behind, at times letting my hold be less and less, God lets us learn often in the same way. He guides us from behind (Isaiah 30:21; Psalm 32:8) and holds us when we need it but will let go to give us the joy of confidence and accomplishment. Isaiah 41:13. He wants us to enjoy the “Big Girl” bikes in our lives. But sometimes we need to go through the “I can’t! It’s too hard!” moments so we will trust Him and appreciate the blessing at the end of the hard thing. He doesn’t force. He will bring us around to more “practice sessions” if needed. But just like I didn’t want her to go back to her dirty, too small, outgrown bike, God does not want us to stay on our “little bikes” He knows we are ready to do bigger things, hard things! He knows we will be much happier once we learn to ride our “real bikes”!

What are your Old Bikes?
So what are your “little, old, run down bikes” that you still want to ride? God wants to help you grow. Press forward and gain the joy of riding your “big bike.” Just remember “You need to keep moving forward, if you don’t want to fall!”


By: Jenni Allen


A Peak into Jenni's Joys

Recipe Filming and Demo

I (Jenni) have been enjoying my time at Weimar. If you know me, you know I always like to stay busy. When I am not homeschooling and doing home life, I have been doing lots of things. Here’s what I have been up to:

In March I was asked by NEWSTART to share some recipes. I filmed and demonstrated 9 recipes for the NEWSTART Website/YouTube channel. It was a new experience. Fun but exhausting. It took a lot more time and prep than I was anticipating, but I had a good experience. We will let you know, once the recipes are posted.

Outdoor Explorers

I have continued the Outdoor Explorers play and learning class with great success! The last two seasons had full classes and about half the families were from the community. It has been a great way to connect the community with the Weimar campus. The Campus Church will have VBS this summer that I will also be helping with and I plan to invite all the community interests from our play class to join.

You can check out more about the class and see pictures at or the Facebook Group called OutdoorExplorersPlayClass

Sourdough “Experiment”

I got motivated to try making sourdough bread after seeing a video by a friend posted on social media, which made it look so easy. I also decided not to just make bread but to actually make my own starter (look it up–it’s quite a process). LOL.

After several weeks I have my new “pet” or as Wyatt calls it, my “experiment” which is my starter I tenderly call “Cali”. I have now made about 5 loaves of sourdough. My latest loaf was my best and also 100% whole wheat. It has been a fun experiment and I love homemade sourdough bread!

Mom’s Prayer Group & Book Club

I started a prayer group on Wednesday mornings in which we pray for our children. It has been such a blessing!

The Book Club was created to help myself and other moms read more this year. We read the same book over 2 months then get together for lunch and social time to discuss our take-aways. We are now starting our 3rd book.

Have a NEWSTART Today!

Today, I’m finishing my NEWSTART clinical rotation. I’ve learned about and taught NEWSTART for years. But I can honestly say I didn’t grasp just how transformative this message truly is! Jenni and I have been implementing principles we knew (but have been reminded of). Since we arrived here, I began eating only 2 meals a day and riding my bike to class. Jenni joined me in January with the two meals and continues her early morning workouts and extra walking. We’ve both shed 15 pounds and feel fantastic!

People all around us are suffering and dying, diagnosed with chronic and acute diseases, hurting mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. These simple, natural remedies are God’s given means to bring relief to these issues and to even reverse them. I have witnessed many miracles before my very eyes. Heart disease, diabetes, chronic pain, healthy weight loss, unforgiveness and bitterness, depression, anxiety, etc.… in just a couple of weeks, these have disappeared through the healing power of God.

As we move forward in mission, wherever that might be, the healing ministry of Christ will be a critical part of our outreach. There are multiple times when Jesus looked upon people with “compassion.” Hurting people need a healing Savior, even if they don’t realize it. We can be the hands and feet of Jesus wherever we go. Look around you today and put on your “Jesus Compassion Glasses,” and notice one who is suffering and pray the prayer: “Lord, please show me what I can do to minister your love to this precious soul for whom Christ died.” He inevitably will.

Miracle Hawaii trip for $200

When we came to Weimar, we had been saving up money and vacation days to spend 2 weeks in Hawaii, where most of Jenni’s family live. But to begin our journey to come to Weimar, we sold a car and used the Hawaii money for school. At the end of last year, two things happened that put the trip back on our calendar. We were given two Hawaiian Airlines credit card promotions, each with 70,000 free miles for just spending $1. That’s 140,000 miles which equaled 4 plane tickets to Hawaii from the West Coast. Then my in-laws (who really wanted to see the grandkids) gave a generous gift to our family that would cover the cost of the 5th plane ticket. So all we had to pay out of pocket was $200 (for the credit card yearly fee)*. So from May 5 to 22 we are so thankful and blessed to be going on our Hawaii trip to see family! I felt awkward about going on this trip during our break – not wanting to appear lavish with donors money. But I was reminded that even the donors would not want us to turn down this opportunity. I asked a few, and its true. God has been good to us and we are very thankful!


*I never recommend people get credit cards, even if they have rewards or bonuses. I’m not a hypocrite about it; I just know that many people cannot handle credit and I once made the mistake of recommending it to a friend, and he got into bad debt. Jenni and I have had credit cards for 10 years and have never paid a penny in interest. I pay off the card within 2 days of using it, and thus my bank account reflects accurately what I have, so I don’t go past a zero balance. I especially do not recommend credit cards with fees and look forward to canceling these ones as soon as the trip is over.

Thank you for your love and support!

Many blessings to those who have continued to support us in our school and living expenses! I have only 1 Semester of school left and a year-long practicum before the next Adventure.

You can support our ministry training with your regular prayers and financial gifts. Roughly $20k is our goal to pay all our tuition needs. One can give online or to the address below. A tax-deductible option is available on the website along with a breakdown of our remaining needs and much more – we are almost there! Thank you!!!


With Much Love & Aloha, The Allen’s​

Wyatt & Jenni Allen
PO Box 253
Weimar, CA 95736

Would you Support the Journey?

Check to me

A personal check can be written to:
Wyatt Allen
4469 Pear Ln.
Harrison, AR 72601

This gift will go towards school and living expenses, but will not be tax-deductible.

Donation to Weimar

Donations given directly to Weimar University for "MA-BMW (Indiana Pastor)" will go to support my tuition. (Do not put my name on it). This should be tax-deductible. Checks can be written to:

Weimar University - Admissions
BMW Program
20601 West Paoli Lane
Weimar, CA 95736

Please reach out with any questions to:

Admissions Office
(530) 422-7923

You may also be able to give online on the website. Here is a direct link to my student account showing what is owed each semester.

Online Giving

You can give personally via these methods without fees. These contributions are not tax-deductible.

Venmo: @WyattAllen
Cash App: $PastorWyattAllen
PayPal Friends: WyattAndJenni
Zelle: 573-28O-4827

For now, we have the above ways to give. Bless you, and thank you!

Total costs for the 2-year program will be upwards of $75,000, which includes tuition plus living expenses, housing, food, books, and fees. I assure you that we are living as frugally as possible and pinching every penny. We also utilize food pantries weekly.

For anyone who gives to this missionary cause, I would be glad to send an advance copy of my new book, Speaking in Tongues: Simplified, and a copy of my wife’s cookbook, Delicious and Nutritious. Please let me know if you want a copy and give me the shipping info when you donate.

I’ll also keep a running total of donations here on this webpage, including from all sources. Thanks again!!!

  • So far, the donations total $7900 from the New Albany Church and individual members there who were so generous!
  • We received $400 from a donor we were able to connect with from ASI.
  • A $1,000 gift from some guests who came out to a prophecy series I did in Sebring, FL, in 2019. Praise God!
  • One generous donor gave a $10,000 gift!
  • A family member has given $500.
  • A friend and long-time supporter from Washington sent us $1,100
  • Another Florida friend from a seminar I did there years ago sent $260.00
  • A retired pastor and his wife from Oregon sent us $1,000
  • Some of my church members again contributed, one for $100 and another for $50
  • Long-time friends from Missouri gave $574.00
  • Jenni has earned $1,500 for a children’s class she created and is doing. We applied $800 of it to the school fees and the rest to food/house expenses.
  • A Weimar scholarship was given in the amount $3,135 so we could start last semester (I need $4,500 to start each semester). Praise God!
  • One good friend is praying his house sells and wants to contribute more (he’s already given generously). Please add this to your prayers!
  • A very generous donor from the Midwest gave a giant donation of $10,135 to pay off the remainder of my Spring 2024 tuition bill.
  • Another anonymous donor gave $1000! Whoever you are, thank you!
  • Several others have given gifts ranging from $20-$500.
  • Recently, we received another generous gift ($500) from our friends in Florida who came to a seminar I did there several years back.
  • I worked with a ministry that helps other ministries with a texting service. It is not one of the top businesses/ministries out there. It is called PastorsLine, and your church or ministry would love it. Click here to check it out. The founder and friend sent us a very kind donation of $500 to help with school. 


As of August 4, 2024, we are still praying that God would provide the $16,835 left for tuition plus living expenses.

Summary of tuition expenses:
Fall 2023: $0 remains ($16,735 paid)!
Spring 2024: $0 remains ($16,735 paid)!
Summer 2024: ($2,100 paid) $9,363 remains
Fall 2024 (practicum): $2,130 remains
Spring 2025 (practicum): $2,130 remains
Summer 2025 (practicum): $2,130 remains

Total: $16,835 remaining